Criminal law
Ms C.Z.A.M. Skanderova (Škanderová) LL.M. has had a great penchant for criminal law since she was a student. With her experience of more than thirteen years as an attorney in criminal cases she will prepare and assist you from A to Z during the criminal proceedings, but you can also still count on her after that.
You can contact ms Skanderova in case of virtually all types of criminal suspicions concerning crimes (such crimes as murder or manslaughter, (other) violent crimes, property crimes, sexual offenses, drug law offenses, (serious) traffic offenses etc.) and virtually all types of procedures (seating at the Public Prosecution Service, police judge, multiple chamber criminal division, complaint - and request procedures, extradition - and surrender issues, transfer of criminal prosecution, or - punishment execution, requests for a reprieve, article 12 of the Dutch Code of Criminal procedures etc.).
Moreover, ms Skanderova can assist you in all national law bodies (up to and including conducting a cassation procedure before the Supreme Court of the Netherlands), but also when you wish to bring proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).
In principle ms Skanderova does not provide legal assistance to victims of crime, therefore only to suspects.
Administrative law
Ms Skanderova, if necessary, also provides legal assistance in administrative matters. Administrative law can relate to all sorts of procedures against the government or from the government towards you. For example, when the mayor refuses to grant you a catering and exploitation permit in connection with the so named Dutch Bibob Act, or when the mayor issues the intention to close your house, because of there detected drugs.
Asylum and immigration law
Ms Skanderova can also assist you in procedures regarding the application for an asylum permit or if you have been taken into immigration detention.